Tororo Parents Primary School has once again trounced city schools to become the National Spelling Bee Champions for 2017 at the event held at Kampala Serena Hotel on October 14, 2017. They previously won the 2014 and 2015 editions of the same competition.
The annual Uganda National Spelling Bee organized by enjuba is a spelling competition for children with the aim of helping them to learn new words, their meanings and how to use them in sentences. The Spelling Bee helps children to develop a curiosity read hence boosting a reading culture. It also helps them master 21st century social skills like critical thinking, collaboration and communication.
There were over a million children in over 1,000 schools that participated in the competition from all parts of Uganda. 26 schools representing the regions of Bukedi, Busoga, West Nile, Acholi, Lango, Bunyoro, Karamoja, Greater Kampala, Teso, Buganda, Ankole, Kigezi, and Tooro came to the competition. The two schools from each region were the winners of their Regional competition.
These schools included; Horizon college, from Jinja; Tororo Parents from Tororo, Malaba Integrated School, Kabale Preparatory School, Hillside Naalya, Victoriois Primary School and Unifat Primary School from Gulu to mention but a few.
Speaking at the event, the Commissioner for Primary Education at the Ministry of Education said, “I commend the work that enjuba is doing to promote literacy and provide exposure for Uganda children, the ministry of education will continue to support such activities and I call upon all schools in Uganda to embrace this opportunity.”
“We are excited to host the 5th annual Spelling Bee and to once again provide an opportunity to these children to be better. We are glad that we were also joined by schools from Karamoja,” Aaron Kirunda, the Chief Executive at enjuba said. “At enjuba, we know that investing in children is the biggest and best contribution we can ever make.” He added.
The Spelling bee is conducted in 10 local languages, including Luganda, Lusoga, Acholi, Leblango, Lugbarati, Gakaramojong, Rukiga, Runyankore, Rutooro, Runyonoro, for P.3 pupils, English and Sign Language for P.4-P.6 pupils.
The 2017 National Spelling Bee was generously supported by Movit Products, Seven Seas, UMC UniHealth, Nitus, West Nile Indian Community, Link Bus Service, Uganda Baati, Kampala Serena Hotel, Duchess Hotel, Mango Tree, and Friends of Hope, Uganda.
The top 3 Spellers who came from Tororo Parents, Horizon College and Hillside Primary School – Naalya will go on to represent Uganda at the African Spelling Bee in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, next year.
The 2018 edition will focus on getting many more children reading through the one million books to one million children campaign and using the Spelling Bee as a catalytic activity to promote literacy and build a reading culture.