Does everything that has come out of the lockdown seem dreary or depressing?
Well, here is a little bit of good news, the lockdown can be the very thing that leads to a lifestyle change in your home that will impact you and your children for a lifetime or maybe beyond.
You and your loved ones can start to read together, at the dining table during a meal, at bedtime before the children go to sleep, on the kitchen floor, outside in the garden, everywhere!
Not sure where to start?
Here are four tips:
- Create/find a booklist
- Set aside a specific time/s of the day to read to build a habit
- Read aloud
- Switch off the television
1. Create/find a booklist
What are your or your children’s interests right now? It may be food, cultures different from yours, folk tales, plants, planets, continents etc.
Once you have figured out what you are interested in, find books that speak to your interest and jump right in, start reading!
The beauty of a booklist is that it allows you to find books in bulk at a time and enjoy reading them for a planned stretch of time.
2. Set aside a specific time/s of the day to read to build a habit
Find a time in your day where reading can happen consistently. Choosing a specific time and committing to it will help you develop a habit of reading together and allow for flexibility later.
The best times to read for children are when they are not overly stimulated and can pay attention like mealtimes and bedtimes.
3. Read aloud
Have someone read aloud to everyone else. If you are launching this habit, try taking the pressure off of your family to read and reading to them instead. It gives them a chance to focus on the pleasure of reading until they have enough confidence to do it on their own.
4. Switch off the television
The television may have its place, but if you desire to build a reading culture in your home, switching it off for long periods might be the best way to cultivate it. The stimulation from television might tempt you and your children to think books are uninteresting, yet the benefits of reading are far more than watching television.
Reach out to us by email at for educational and fun books for your children to enjoy. You can view our book catalogue on our website -